Duncan eating tomato seeds ~ his favourite!

Duncan will not let any tomato go unturned! He is the surveyor of salads, the vegetable thief and clown ~ loves to eat every veggie ~ even raw garlic and jalepeno seeds, and don't kiss his beak after he has eaten these last two or you will be unpleasantly surprised!
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op said…
What kind of bird is Duncan? op
Duncan is a Pacific Parrotlet, a split green-blue mutation. He is 5" tall, or should get there soon, and will not grow any bigger. He has quite a good vocabulary ~ sings & talks and loves to be around people and eat people food. He is a wonderful little guy!
wrchili said…
Your bird is beautiful. I have an Indian Ringneck Parakeet. Birds are such funny little characters and such joys to be around :o)

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