Get out of Your Own Way. Reconnect with your Passions again. I did!
I plan on writing more about how The Passion Test, meeting Janet Attwood at her conference, the making of my vision board, and support from a great mentor and friend helped wake me up from my slumber. Life is worth living when you are doing things you love ~ your "Passions". Everyone has them. You have always had them, but daily life and the necessity of work and caring for others get in the way. I really believe in this book. Janet Attwood signed my copy, and I would love for you to click on the link and take the Passion Test for yourself. If you are not happy with your life, this book will help wake you up and put "wheels" on your passions.
Please take your free Passion Test Profile. Are you aligning your life with things that matter most to you?
Please take your free Passion Test Profile. Are you aligning your life with things that matter most to you?